Farmacia San Nicolas

Farmacia San Nicolas has more than 75 branches nationwide and a Professional Recipe Book. We are the leading pharmacy chain in El Salvador. Our mission as Farmacias San Nicolás is to maintain the satisfaction of our stakeholders, directly and indirectly manufacturing and marketing quality pharmaceutical and cosmetic products at a national and international level, being socially responsible.

Farmacia San Nicolas Industries
Baby CareBath SuppliesEquipments & AccessoriesFeminine HygieneHair ProductsMakeupNail ProductsOral Hygiene ProductsPerfumes & DeodorantsSanitary PaperShaving & Hair RemovalSkin Care Products

Online Store, Large Retail Chains

Employees 1001-5000
Founded in 1965

+503 2555 5555
Km 10 Carretera Al Puerto De La Libertad
Santa Tecla
La Libertad, Antiguo Cuscatlán
Potential Decision Makers
  • Operations Manager

    •••••••@••••.com (•••) •••-••••
  • Gerente de BI

    •••••••@••••.com (•••) •••-••••
  • Gerente de mercadeo

    •••••••@••••.com (•••) •••-••••
  • Jefe de soporte tenico

    •••••••@••••.com (•••) •••-••••
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Farmacia San Nicolas

Farmacia San Nicolas FAQ

Farmacia San Nicolas have 1001-5000 employees

Farmacia San Nicolas is located in La Libertad, Antiguo Cuscatlán

Farmacia San Nicolas operates in the following sectors: Online Store, Large Retail Chains

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