Drogueria Betances

A purely Puerto Rican company, leader in the pharmaceutical distribution industry. We have been serving over 800 community pharmacies, hospitals, doctors, and veterinarians in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean for 60 years.

Drogueria Betances Industries
Baby CareBath SuppliesFeminine HygieneHair ProductsNail ProductsOral Hygiene ProductsSkin Care Products

Employees 51-200
Founded in 1932

Ave.luis Munoz Rivera Esq. El Troche Final
PR, Tomás de Castro
Potential Decision Makers
  • Buyer

    •••••••@••••.com (•••) •••-••••
  • Assistant to the President

    •••••••@••••.com (•••) •••-••••
  • Pharmaceutical Purchaser

    •••••••@••••.com (•••) •••-••••
  • President

    •••••••@••••.com (•••) •••-••••
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Drogueria Betances

Drogueria Betances FAQ

Drogueria Betances have 51-200 employees

Drogueria Betances is located in PR, Tomás de Castro

Drogueria Betances operates in the following sectors:

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