Bbc Promet

The company Bbc Promet doo offers you a professional solution for the supply of means and accessories for maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of your business premises, as well as office supplies, cold drinks, coffee, electrical materials, materials for plumbing and sanitation, locksmith and htz equipment and a wide range of other products with of our lager.

Bbc Promet Industries
Baby CareBath SuppliesFeminine HygieneHair ProductsPerfumes & DeodorantsSanitary PaperShaving & Hair RemovalSkin Care Products

Wholesaler, Supplier, Retailer, Online Store

+381 11 6712097
22 Pakračka
Grad Beograd
    Potential Decision Makers
    • Vice President

      •••••••@••••.com (•••) •••-••••
    • Regional Director

      •••••••@••••.com (•••) •••-••••
    • Territory Manager

      •••••••@••••.com (•••) •••-••••
    • Manager, Private Client Sales

      •••••••@••••.com (•••) •••-••••
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    Bbc Promet FAQ

    Bbc Promet have employees

    Bbc Promet is located in Grad Beograd

    Bbc Promet operates in the following sectors: Wholesaler, Supplier, Retailer, Online Store