American Beauty BD takes great pride in distributing the finest quality and prestige world’s leading cosmetics brands from USA to Bangladesh.
American Beauty Bd Industries
Baby CareBath SuppliesHair ProductsHealth & SupplementsMakeupOral Hygiene ProductsPerfumes & DeodorantsShaving & Hair RemovalSkin Care Products
Distributor, Retailer
+880 1600-203012
House#10 Road 3C
Dhaka Division District
Potential Decision Makers
Vice President
•••••••@••••.com (•••) •••-•••• -
Regional Director
•••••••@••••.com (•••) •••-•••• -
Territory Manager
•••••••@••••.com (•••) •••-•••• -
Manager, Private Client Sales
•••••••@••••.com (•••) •••-••••